July 18, 2023 ; A University Social Responsibility (USR) program was organized at SK Pida Tiga. A Recycling Day program aimed at promoting environmental awareness and the practice of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). A group of 14 lecturers from the Polymer and Materials Engineering Program at FKTK actively participated in this community initiative.
The joint effort between FKTK lecturers and the school involved various activities, including a recycling exhibition, 3R sports, informative lectures, and more. These activities were designed to educate and raise awareness among the students of SK Pida Tiga and the local community about the importance of the 3R principles.
With their expertise in the field of polymer and materials engineering, the FKTK lecturers played a vital role in imparting knowledge and practical insights on effective waste management and recycling practices. By actively engaging with the community and nearby industries, the lecturers' expertise continues to bring significant benefits to both the community and the industry.
The Recycling Day program served as a platform for fostering a sense of environmental responsibility and sustainable practices among the students and the local community. Through these activities, the FKTK lecturers aimed to instill a culture of environmental consciousness and highlight the importance of recycling in minimizing waste and preserving the environment.
The collaboration between FKTK and SK Pida Tiga demonstrates the university's commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. By actively participating in such initiatives, the faculty extends its expertise beyond the academic realm, making a positive impact on the community and promoting sustainable practices.